And now it is May!

Spring has definitely arrived. We have finally had some good rains and the grass is green, the trees are popping and the sump pump is doing it's job.  I guess this is a good thing, we sure need water in the garden.  I had been trying to open up beds and prepare for a little bit of planting but the soil has just been DUST!  So I guess I am glad to have ground water, and twice as glad that our pump is working well.
The sump is draining again

I have been outside a lot more, trying to work in the garden every day that it isn't too wet.  There HAVE been a couple of days that it was!  But even those days I've gone out to the shed to check on my little plants; to water or do some potting on...  And then there are those days when I have been out getting some visible work done.  And getting sore...

Working on beds

Planted my onions and  then carrot seeds - they are under the board.

These looked really good for a couple of days, then the rabbits nibbled most of THE ONIONS OFF!  Really???  You are THAT hungry?  So then I got busy covering them up and filling in rabbit holes in the fence.

Finally getting to work on the black raspberry bed.  Step 1 was to remove the hardware cloth.  Bunnies don't want these things now that they are stickery!

This is as far as I got... pruned and some of the new framework up.

On rainy days I am sewing.  This in-between weather is when I always have a shortage of clothes.  I happened to be texting with Marla and she offered to share a pattern with me.  It arrived after just a couple of days, so I traced it off and sent it back to her, and then went shopping at Joann's for fabric (on sale) to make toilles.  

Tracing the pattern to return to Marla ASAP

The color is better than this, and God only knows why I chose this crinkle rayon!

On Saturday night I was so sore that all I could do was sit and watch a whole DVD of Good Neighbors!

Mother's Day was nice.  Jim fixed Breakfast for me, then I spent a good amount of time out in my shed doing planting stuff, and the kids gave me this Honeyberry plant.... since I lost 3 more blueberry plants this winter.  The plants were at Lewis for $20 so I figured it was an omen - try these instead.

Hubby & helpers making breakfast

squash seeds started

The view IN the window

Honeyberry - as tasty as blueberries but not as finicky.

So here I am in early May, finally having a day with the door open and the sun shining.
It took long enough!


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