Extended winter

I can't believe it is March.  Not in the context of "time passes so quickly", but rather in the context of "when will winter end?"  We still have snow covering the ground.  Quite a bit.

Even though this photo was taken within the past week, we have had more since....  sigh... 
The good news is that the temperatures are no longer below 0, we are actually above freezing and some melting has begun!  As you can see from this photo, there is actually pavement visible and the snow and ice are slowly turning to liquid.  Now, that is going to be another problem....

Things are looking up.  I am shaking off that case of winter blues and have been getting things done around the house.  I still have plenty of things to check off my list, but as they say, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a first step. I picked up a sewing project that I had begun just after the holidays and completed the first stage.  This will be the center medallion of a twin size quilt for one of our beds.  I think the dark green takes over too much, so I will probably pick up that color to a much smaller degree in the final borders. One doesn't even notice the landscape print that is supposed to be the focus!

I had cleared space in my workroom in February in order to make Valentines Cards, and with that completed, I have cleared all that mess away and my worktable is ready for the next project. 

 I would really like to lay out my tools and papers to start making scrapbooks for my sons, but that is a mess that will have to stay out... so I think I will need another plan.  I do want to do some sewing as well... and those two project will NOT share the same table space.  I do have the option of clearing off my computer desk and making it my crafting space...???....  HMMmmmmm  Well, maybe not.
Other accomplishments include some knitting projects.  Here is a mitten that I attempted - twice.  It was too small, which surprised me greatly as I have small hands, and so I ripped it out and tried again, with larger needles and adding length, but it still doesn't fit and I am fed up.
I continue to work on a sweater that I began last year, and I am now on the last major section, the sleeves.  I am working them both at the same time, on the same needles, so while it seems to be going slowly, I will have BOTH done when I finish!

The dogs are fat and lazy. Over the past few months it has either been too frigid or too icy for them to even go out in the yard, and forget about taking them for a walk.  Too many people do not see fit to shovel their walkways, and walking in the street is not safe for a variety of reasons.  Elvis' coat is just too much to manage when there is no reason to keep it long (he finished his breed CH, so any other dog sport that we would compete in does not require full coat), so I chopped it shorter.  Took me hours to scissor him, but I am just not ready to shave him with clippers.  He doesn't look great, but it IS easier to care for, and he can't pee on it, so he doesn't smell so bad.

Elvis, less about 4" of hair.

Another cause for celebration is a reprieve from financial concerns.  With me not working, and trying to live a comfortable life style on just one income - albeit an income much greater that we have ever had before - we have had medical expenses and a few other financial drains of the unavoidable variety that have had us running pretty tight, using the credit cards, and finding ourselves in a financial hole bigger than we had the potential to fill anytime soon.  I have even applied for a couple of jobs, but didn't get them. Guess the Good Lord had another plan for me....  And thanks to His grace (and the IRS tax return and a totally unexpected gift from a generous parent) we have received enough to pay off everything!  God is good.
I didn't even realize how much this concern was resting in the back of my mind until we sat down and paid off bill after bill and I had a feeling of such relief!

Then I went shopping.  But I bought ONLY items that I really needed to replace; faded, worn clothing and shoes that I had been wearing for several years, and I got everything at greatly reduced sale prices... like 60% off!
It was fun.  And I don't usually find things that fit, but I got really lucky.
Things are looking up.  Spring must come someday!
I will probably complain about the heat this summer, but it will take a while before I thaw out!


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