April 25th

Not feeling creative enough for a catchy title, but maybe something will click in later...

It has been a few days since my last post and the weather continues to bounce up and down.  Just as my daffodils shoot up and start to form buds, the temperature dropped and they almost froze off... but not quite.  We will have a day or two of temperatures in the 60's and think spring has finally decided to settle in, and then down go the temperatures again and we find ourselves putting on another layer and reaching for the umbrellas.

Easter weekend was beautiful - all 3 days.  Aaron came home and had planned a menu for Easter dinner, he did all the shopping AND cooking.  He even bathed the dogs for me!  All 3 of them!  That was possibly a more appreciated gift than the cooking.

 I crawled downstairs to talk him through everything and to use the clippers to shave faces on the oldies.  Maija was first, as she is the most challenging.  This dog is almost 11 years old and she hates her bath as much now as she did as a puppy.  The boys were a piece of cake after her shenanigans.

Sunday brought out Aaron's true talent. That boy can cook!  He made seasoned Cornish Game hens, a sweet potato casserole flavored with bacon, shallots, brown sugar and butter, then he found a recipe that combined green bean casserole and crescent rolls.... you stuff the crescent roll dough with the casserole mixture and bake them.  Dessert was homemade angelfood cake with strawberries and fresh whipped cream.  It was divine.  Oh, and did I forget the deviled eggs?  Here they are:

Despite spring's contrariness, I do have one bloom, albeit in the house, and AFTER Easter.  Here are my geraniums that I found as seedlings in the mulch next to my sidewalk last spring.  I transplanted the tiny leaves into a pot so they could grow outdoors all last summer, and in the fall I transplanted them again so I could bring them into the house.  They have grown slowly all winter and now we have our first bloom!  There is another to come on the plant to the right.  Altogether there are three plants, but one is much smaller.
I am so pleased that I have kept them alive!

Now as I look outside my window to see what is growing outdoors, I noticed today that my Cherry tree is coming to life.  From this photo you can't really see, but the buds are swelling!  I sincerely hope that we do not get a late frost.  My little tree produced a nice amount of cherries last year, and I hope that it does even better this year.
We LOVE cherry pies at our house!

I will continue to take photos of my cherry tree so I can share it's progress.

Slowly but surely, spring is creeping in.  Slowly but surely my broken bones are healing....


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