Spring.... finally???

Yes, I want to use this blog as a sort of diary, but no one wants to read about my blasted foot all the time!  So now I am going to switch gears and write about time... Seasons, weather, all kinds of things that I CAN do as I recover.

We have had the worst winter that I can ever remember - EVER!  and spring has taken it's jolly sweet time arriving.  Seeing all the snow pile up, week after week, month after month... I couldn't imagine that it COULD melt before the first of June!  But it has, thank Goodness!  We had everything all melted off and the grass was even beginning to green up, and considering that I will not be able to groom the dogs, we had Elvis bathed and shaved, ready for summer!

                                                                              Then the weather turned.  This is what we saw by late afternoon on April 14th.  How depressing!   But we knew that it couldn't last, it was merely a temporary insult.  That was Monday, and on Tuesday mornings I have class.  Thank goodness I had a friend willing to drive me down to the training club, and my co-trainer was already there and had salt sprinkled all over the icy entryway.  Yes, we actually had to use salt because it was so icy and slick!  Of course that was at 8:15 in the morning, on the North side of the building.  By the time we left at 11 am it was all melted and almost dry!  A sign of good things.... MELTING.  It still took until Wednesday for all of the snow to melt off our deck!  But finally it is ALL gone again and I hope that is the last of it.

Now on to more spring!  While my leg is bound up and I have trouble popping up and down the stairs, I have moved my computer to the living room and have a nice view from my chair out the front window.  This will be my view that I will share through the season, and here is our first shot:

Even though the angle is different, both of these photos are of our front yard.  Can you see how I was concerned about how long it would take the snow to melt?  The pile at the side of the drive, where we had collected all the snow from the driveway, was over 5' high and packed.

Yes, the hose is out, but it was not there throughout the winter!  Jim has already washed and waxed his car last weekend, and of course, it is where he dropped it.... on top of my perennials.  If you look closely you will see that there are day lilies sprouting up, as well as some yarrow and at the edge of the curtain, a tiny delphinium leaf.  I hope to get some pansies planted in the window boxes soon, but I want to replace these boxes with something more attractive this year.  These plastic things were just purchased last year as an experiment to see if I could keep plants alive and pretty.  They did fairly well, so this year I want to upgrade to nice cedar boxes that are the full width of the window.  Watch for updates!


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