A rainy evening...

It seems that now the season has changed for good.  Spring is popping out all over - and so is allergy season!  I am the kind of person that loves to have all the windows and doors open as soon as the temperatures are above 60F.... but Dear Husband's allergies do NOT agree.  So the air conditioner is on and I dare only have a window open in the room in which I am working...and I close it as I leave.  Sigh.  I do so love to hear the birds singing and the squirrels chatting and the wind whispering through the pine trees.  Guess I'll just have to go outdoors to enjoy.  WHICH, by the way, I can now DO! But not this evening as we are having a good thunderstorm.  Hopefully it will blow over soon and then I will go outside and just SMELL the good, green growing things.

I can now bear weight on my wonky leg - even though I am still to use the crutches - but it makes getting around SO much easier!  I can now go up and down steps - UPright, not scooting or crawling. I know it is cheating, but since the leg doesn't hurt, I will set my crutches aside when I am in the kitchen or workroom and take a step or two when I need to.  So I really am able to do more!

Husband has been very helpful and has taken over several household chores that he really doesn't like to do - namely laundry and feeding the dogs.  Both of these things are in the basement, which has been off-limits to me.  So I have tried NOT to ask him to do any more than necessary, and I bite my tongue if he does something differently than how I do it.  But WHAT is it about this guy and my flowers????

Earlier this spring, DH decided one day (when I was utterly immobile) to "clean up" some of my flower gardens.  Normally this sounds like a fine thing to do, but he doesn't know what everything is, nor how it should be maintained.  He cut all my herbs down to stubs, as well as the Russian Sage in my flower border... Not the thing to do...  But he left all of the wasted stems of the day lilies and didn't touch the vegetable garden which could have been ripped out totally.  Only two of my perennial herbs have bounced back - either due to the horrible winter or DH's maiming... I have no idea.  I now have some sage and thyme... and the indomitable menace mint, but the oregano, lavender, lemon balm, variegated sage and rosemary are all gone.

I was not able to check on his last-year's foible until last week when I could get down the outside steps.  I had planted two shade perennials, Bleeding Heart and Astilbe, on the north side of the house in an area created when Aaron built the outside steps...  Later in the summer, DH was once again doing some "clearing out and weeding" and I saw him come around the corner of the house with my dear little plants, clutched in his grimy hand, with pathetic bits of soil still clinging to their little roots.  "PUT THOSE RIGHT BACK WHERE YOU FOUND THEM!!!",  I shouted to the errant Husband.... "What?  I thought these were weeds!", he whined back at me.  I supervised the re-planting and watered them in again, hoping they would rebound and make it back....  that fall, they wilted off early and I thought they were gone.  However, I found that the Bleeding heart had come back heartily and was blooming!  Here it is:

The dogs (here is Maija) are very careful around it - or at least if they brush past, it just sways gently.  But this is the best picture I will get of it this year.  DH went out last week to work on the steps, and you guessed it....  he broke off almost EVERY blooming stem.  The next time I went out to visit my bleeding hearts, my heart bled.  I collected at least 7 broken off stems.  Guess I'm lucky he didn't pull it up again.

Other garden news is much brighter.  Aaron was home last weekend and helped me a lot.  He took me shopping to get new window boxes, and then to the local nursery to get some plants.  He dug up the front section of the vegetable garden and planted onion bulbs and broccoli plants.  Then he planted a bunch of my planters and window boxes.  Here he is at work - only about half-way done.  He does not like to have his picture taken...  but he doesn't read my blog, so he will never know.

Other accomplishments this week include a finished knitting project:

This will be for baby Viggo in Denmark, who was born on the day I finished it!  Here it is, blocked and steamed.  As soon as it is totally dry, I will pack it up and mail it off!  Now I get to move on to other, less urgent projects and enjoy having no deadlines.

Happy Memorial Day and blessings to all.


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